Feral War Hog American IPA

So Feral sold up. CCA claim another independent brewer. Who gives a flying fuck?

Seriously. Why shouldn't he get the best price for a business he built himself? The wobblies people have been chundering all over the various social media feeds about this sale have been fucking atrocious - and in an age of appalling behaviour in the online comments sections, that's saying something.

I did hear one well-balanced treatment of the news on a podcast. I forget which one but they interviewed Brendan Varis; the former owner. The bottom line is fucking simple - he made a business, built it up successfully, and then sold it for a tidy sum. That's business. Good for him. There are no reasons that I'm aware of to assume that the beer is immediately going to change. Or even that it will change eventually. CCA are keeping the brewer on so the recipes will presumably still be in their hands. That's the end of it.

Mind you.... That's not to say that I didn't immediately head out and panic buy some of their best product for posterity. You know, just in case the packaging changes. In case it becomes collectible. AND I wanted a tasty, tasty Yank-style IPA.

So the War Hog it is. This is a belter of a beer. Seriously in the major leagues with some of the very best IPAs being produced in Australia. It's 7.5% ABV. It's as hoppy as buggery with just a hint of the passionfruit notes hinted at in the liner notes. If you like the Yank-style hopped up, resinous IPAs - get, this, beer. Bloody brilliant.
